Lotus Amipro 3.1

19.10.2019by admin
Lotus Amipro 3.1
  1. Lotus Amipro
  2. Lotus Ami Pro 3.1

Lotus obtained Ami Pro to round out their office suite by acquiring Samna in 1990. Lotus continued to develop Ami Pro further with version 3 released in 1992. Version 3.1 is the last version of Ami Pro released (all versions were 16 bit). The Windows versions of Ami Pro were also bundled with Adobe Type Manager for. Lotus Ami Pro 3.1 for Windows: Quick Course [Susan Jaderstrom] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This new text-workbook provides instructions on Lotus AmiPro for Windows. It will teach the user how to use the programs many features.

On Friday December 4, 2015 Graham Percy said: Many thanks to the up-loader! This works great for me. I unzipped on my Windows XP machine and ran INSTALL from within the unzipped directory.

This installed into the default locations and gave me a link to the installed executable which ran just by double clicking. Still looks as good as I remember, I always found the drop down menu arrangement on AmiPro was highly intuitive (unlike others). I have used this to open my old Displaywrite (Display Write) DW4 files and save as other formats which can be read by OpenOffice Writer.


(I simply put the documents I wanted to work with in C: amipro docs which is the default document location). Cheers, Graham.P.

Contents. Status SmartSuite is in, and supported with fixes and fixpacks on and.

Lotus Amipro

SmartSuite is not officially supported by IBM on versions of Windows after XP, but it does work well on both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Vista and of Windows 7, if the installer and applications are run with XP compatibility mode set for the executable files. IBM has no plans to release an official Windows 7-compatible version of SmartSuite. In 2007, IBM introduced a new office suite called, unrelated to the integrated application suite that Lotus previously released.

Lotus Ami Pro 3.1

In July 2012 the price for a user licence of Lotus SmartSuite 9.8 was US-$342.00 when purchased directly through the IBM website. In May 2013, IBM announced the withdrawal of SmartSuite. Marketing of the product ended in June 2013, followed by all support ceasing in September 2014. IBM has also announced that there will be no replacement for SmartSuite.