Die Masken Der Niedertracht Ebook

21.10.2019by admin

Life is full of extremes, especially when it comes to the use of power. This book addresses the situations of abuse where manipulation isn't easy to identify. To the point, where a person's soul can be damaged so deeply that it could take them a lifetime to overcome what has happened to them. In an abuse relationship, one usurps power over the other while the recipient accepts this as evident of their worth. They become convinced they are lesser humans and worthy of constant correction. Repressed Life is full of extremes, especially when it comes to the use of power.

  1. Die Masken Der Niedertracht Ebook Pdf

This book addresses the situations of abuse where manipulation isn't easy to identify. To the point, where a person's soul can be damaged so deeply that it could take them a lifetime to overcome what has happened to them. In an abuse relationship, one usurps power over the other while the recipient accepts this as evident of their worth. They become convinced they are lesser humans and worthy of constant correction. Repressed on so many levels during live, the victim becomes incapacitated to make their own decisions and think for themselves. In turn, this gives the abuser even more power over them.

Die Masken Der Niedertracht Ebook Pdf

The soul becomes wounded to the point that they can no longer stand strong on their own beliefs, becoming instead someone that is oppressed and a magnet for additional manipulation which then comes at them from every area of their lives. These issues are extremely subtle and usually not recognized unless something happens ‘legally’ to expose the behavior of the abusive person.

What a sad story to watch someone disintegrate and allow themselves to be controlled by someone else. I can’t believe how naive my childhood was and how that contributed to what I allowed to happen in my life. Not to say that I was conscious of what was happening, but that I thought little of myself as a person that it seemed natural to give up my life’s power and source of strength to another.

The church teaches their children to obey and honor their parents, the wives to submit to their husbands, and although the husband was to treat them as himself, there has never been in my life teaching that helped us understand that if the husband didn’t respect himself then he wouldn’t respect the family. Many, being upstanding citizens in the public eye and in the congregation were never seen as they were on the home front. I’ve seen this for countless years, with my own childhood and the way everyone idolized my mother and through my marriage where everyone adored my husband. Myself being taught to respect elders and males, acting as the supportive wife and mother of my children, learned to deny any personal feelings I had or ideas that I might be anything more than just a servant to others.

I had given up on the possibility that a woman could actually be help-mate and partner to her husband. I hadn’t realized the covert abuse and open correction of my children that was taught in order to save their souls. I can see now the underlying of stones that built walls of silence around the children so that they couldn’t come forward if they wanted to.

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  • Gelesen: Die Masken der Niedertracht. Seelische Gewalt im Alltag und wie man sich dagegen wehren kann. Januar 25, 2008, 12:33 am Filed under: Arbeit, Beziehung, Gesundheit / Krankheit, Krisenbew Get for free die masken der niedertracht seelische gewalt im alltag und wie man sich dagegen wehren kann ebook in pdf/epub/online.

Marie-France Hirigoyen studierte Medizin und Viktimologie in Frankreich und USA und praktiziert als Psychoanalytikerin und Familientherapeutin in Paris. Ihr Buch Die Masken der Niedertracht.

Although I was available to them and often expressed my desire to talk with them about things that bothered them, they saw me as just the wife and mother, a female, and one that had no control over the situation from the beginning. This further set them up for additional abuse at the hands of church authority and their father’s strong hand. I’m devastated to realize some of these issues yet this book empowered me to help them and myself find healing and resolution to what we have suffered in life.

I have felt inadequate in my ability to describe what I believe happened and how to address the issues of my shipwrecked family. But, after reading this book, I believe there are things that I’ve learned that can make a difference even now that will not only benefit myself but enable my children to press past what they’ve encountered in life and find their own way.

I can see defense mechanisms that we can all learn and practice daily to help us overcome the self-destructive behaviors that have lead us into previous abusive relationships. I can see tools and skills learned that will empower us to stand up against current situations that are not appropriate or balanced, especially when it comes to my daughters. There are issues my sons have that carry the same dispassionate responses to humankind, which was exemplified in their father. Patterns of abuse that have been carried from past generations, to this generation, and will affect future generations, if we don’t grasp the reality of what happened and learn skills to overcome this devastation. I’m greatly shocked and yet am shaking my head; everything seems to make so much sense now. How a seemingly wonderful family can be blown apart by an ‘elephant ‘that lived in their home is a truly sad story but one that is throughout society today!

If you wonder and/or are curious about what controlling people do subliminally to their prey, if you are curious if you’ve been the recipient of such abuse, if you wonder about someone you know that is in a questionable relationship, or if you would like to learn something of great value that could help society, read this book. Dig deep and ponder its words and meanings.

Think about the case examples and open your heart to what it might feel like to be in similar situations. This book will enlightening your soul and quite possibly could save another soul or yourself from becoming a statistic of such stalking. I’ve never seen such a profound written address to these issues and I’ve read tons of books. This is balanced and thoroughly addresses the circumstances and covert situations where abuse happens behind closed doors. Wolves in sheep’s clothing, that’s what they are. Seeking whom they may devour!

And they will do it, they will continue to do it, if someone doesn’t step forward and call them for what they are. And it’s abuse, plain and simple! I can’t believe it but I totally understand and can see its destruction of a person’s soul. I want to make a difference and will be sharing this book with many others. Thanks Marie=France Hirigoyen for addressing this subject with such skill and knowledgeblessings to you! Stalking the Soul is an interesting, fairly quick read.

Die masken der niedertracht ebook pdf

The information found in the book focuses on the issue of emotional abuse, the more easily hidden form of control. I found the information to be interesting and helpful. I would recommend the book to anyone who is 'wondering if'. If a person is in a situation where they are wondering if they are experiencing abuse, they will read this book and find themselves discussed throughout the pages. Upon seeing this perhaps they will find the courag Stalking the Soul is an interesting, fairly quick read.

The information found in the book focuses on the issue of emotional abuse, the more easily hidden form of control. I found the information to be interesting and helpful. I would recommend the book to anyone who is 'wondering if'. If a person is in a situation where they are wondering if they are experiencing abuse, they will read this book and find themselves discussed throughout the pages. Upon seeing this perhaps they will find the courage to make a change.

For these individuals the book would easily get four stars. For practitioners in the field the author provides more information about what the victim may be experiencing and less information on the 'now what?' Perhaps the best advice is the simple advice, 'get out!' The author is psychodynamically trained so be prepared for a little more of the Freudian approach, though she rightly suggests that taking an analysis approach could actually end up harming a person more.

I also found, at no fault of the author, that some of organization of the book was lacking. Steps/Stages that were promised were not formally identified as steps/stages, I believe due to the translation from French to English. Perhaps what I appreciate most about the author's approach is her black and white attitude toward the topic.

There is no room for gray when it comes to any form of abuse. The opening paragraph from the Introduction: 'There are, in life, stimulating encounters that encourage us to give our best; there are others that can undermine and ultimately destroy us. One individual can succeed in destroying another by a process of emotional abuse. This animosity sometimes culminates in a virtual murder of the soul. We have all witnessed emotionally abusive attacks in one form or another; in couples, in families, in the workplace, in social and political life. When faced with this indirect form of violence, our society puts on blinders. We acquiesce to the crime of emotional abuse under the guise of tolerance.'

The author helps us take the blinders off. Having a daughter with an eating disorder you soon find out how much erroneous blame, guilt and shame is placed directly upon parents/families in regards to having 'caused' the illness. Your lives go under the microscope and you find yourself getting so frustrated by so much psycho-babble and stereotyped assumptions! Yet, there is also no denying that there are certainly abusive families, parents and relationships that will always be, unfortunately, a part of our society that will take a continou Having a daughter with an eating disorder you soon find out how much erroneous blame, guilt and shame is placed directly upon parents/families in regards to having 'caused' the illness. Your lives go under the microscope and you find yourself getting so frustrated by so much psycho-babble and stereotyped assumptions!

Yet, there is also no denying that there are certainly abusive families, parents and relationships that will always be, unfortunately, a part of our society that will take a continous effort to help treat and prevent cycles of behaviors that negatively impact human life. Hirigoyen's STS is poignantly present and about face to this fact. Stalking the Soul: Emotional Abuse and the Erosion of Identity is an excellent book for anyone who's been exposed to environments and/or people more interested in chipping away at people's spirits rather than building them up. If you've ever read People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck, and liked it, this book is very much like that.

It very clearly outlines just how manipulative some individuals and some groups can be in psychologically harming innocent people. It addresses systematic abuse as well- Stalking the Soul: Emotional Abuse and the Erosion of Identity is an excellent book for anyone who's been exposed to environments and/or people more interested in chipping away at people's spirits rather than building them up. If you've ever read People of the Lie by M.

Scott Peck, and liked it, this book is very much like that. It very clearly outlines just how manipulative some individuals and some groups can be in psychologically harming innocent people. It addresses systematic abuse as well-when a few individuals become the scapegoats for a toxic system within a workplace or community. For anyone who senses this is going on, this book is well worth a read. This author can see very clearly the power-and-control dynamics within groups and successfully describes those dynamics in Stalking the Soul. A little known book that should be on a Best Seller List.

It is for people wanting to see the big picture. People wanting to make a change and who aren't afraid to read something deep and meaningful for a change of pace.


This isn't an 'escape reality' book, but it offers relief for those who see what's going on around them. This happened to me in my job and spread out into the community I live in. Being a 'team work' minded person focused on making relationships, jobs, etc work, I don't sit around playing puppet-master.

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I thought that was for creepy people in thriller movies. This book scared me and woke me up. It helps to see how someone could see me as a victim in some sick mental, emotional 'game'. It really hurt and was very scary, but helped me feel better to see that if someone has an agenda of pain and cruel This happened to me in my job and spread out into the community I live in.

Being a 'team work' minded person focused on making relationships, jobs, etc work, I don't sit around playing puppet-master. I thought that was for creepy people in thriller movies. This book scared me and woke me up.

It helps to see how someone could see me as a victim in some sick mental, emotional 'game'. It really hurt and was very scary, but helped me feel better to see that if someone has an agenda of pain and cruelty all the teamwork and work ethic might not beat them. I wish I'd ran before I was beaten down too far to have some place to go. My heart goes out to everyone hurting from this type of thing. I read many books about emotional abuse after going through a nearly life-shattering ordeal and this was the only one that really resonated with me. It dealt with all aspects of what I went through and identified aspects of the victim, the abuser, how and why it happened, why it's not your fault, etc. It made a huge difference and I was even able to get my spouse (who was not the abuser) to read parts of it so that he could understand what happened to me.

I don't think any one book is right for I read many books about emotional abuse after going through a nearly life-shattering ordeal and this was the only one that really resonated with me. It dealt with all aspects of what I went through and identified aspects of the victim, the abuser, how and why it happened, why it's not your fault, etc. It made a huge difference and I was even able to get my spouse (who was not the abuser) to read parts of it so that he could understand what happened to me. I don't think any one book is right for everyone, but this one was THE one for me.