Budidaya Rumput Laut Pdf

30.09.2019by admin
  1. Pengertian Rumput Laut
  2. Rumput Laut Adalah
  • BUDIDAYA RUMPUT LAUT PENDAHULUAN. LATAR BELAKANG. Budidaya rumput laut yang pada umumnya dapat dilakukan oleh para petani/nelayan dalam pengembangannya memerlukan keterpaduan unsur-unsur sub sistem, mulai dari penyediaan input produksi, budidaya sampai ke pemasaran hasil.
  • This pdf document is presented in digital edition of masalah rumput laut and it can be searched throughout the net in such search engines as google, bing and yahoo. This document' special edition was completed with some very related documents like: masalah rumput laut, permasalahan budidaya rumput laut, tanaman.

Abstract This research was canied out to support the strategic plan of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Repuhlic of lndonesia that seeks to increase fisheries production through the aquaculture. Objective of this study is providing information of potential area for seaweed cultivation around Kaliuda village water territory, East Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Remote sensing data (terra or aqua MODIS satellite image), field survey data and secondary data were used for this study. Remote sensing data were used to produce Total Suspended Matter and Chlorophyll-a information, field survey data pmvided nitrate, phosphate, salinity, bottom substrate and water transparency while secondary data was used to provide bathymetry information. Geographical Information System software was used to analyze this study by using overlay technique for all parameter, which had previously been weighted and scored based on the criteria of aquatic habitat suitability. Higher score indicates that the area more suitable for marine aquaculture activities. The results showed that the potential area suitable for seaweed cultivation activities around Kaliuda village water territory, east Sumba, Nusa Tenggara Timur is about 4,79 km2 or only 24,69% from total 19,41 km.

PdfBudidaya Rumput Laut Pdf

Pengertian Rumput Laut

Budidaya Rumput Laut Budidaya rumput laut di Indonesia semakin berkembang, baik secara ekstensif maupun intensif, dengan menggunakan lahan yang ada. Saat ini, budidaya rumput laut tidak hanya dilakukan di perairan pantai tetapi sudah mulai di perairan payau (tambak). Membudidayakan rumput laut di laut dapat dilakukan.

Rumput Laut Adalah

study area.