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07.10.2019by admin

Chest Patch Lineage 2 Bot 3,7/5 8740votes. Reroll seems to be one of the hottest topics so I'd like to offer up a little trick i figured out. To start, I myself got my first SR weapon on my 46th reroll attempt. Seeing as how SR items themselves are rare, but getting an SR weapon AND it being for the class you want to play seemed. It is also possible to add a special ability or to enchant augmented items. Lineage 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.Lineage 2 Interlude Skills DownloadLineage 2 chest box patch interlude. The amount of SP consumed for skill enchanting above level 7.Lineage 2 Adrenaline bot rocks the world with the utmost events.

. Tips and Strategies for Intermediate Players Lineage II: Revolution. Introduction Character Skills Runes Elixir Pets Class Inventory/Forging Soul Crystal Questing Achievements Codex Common Shop/Diamond Shop/Collection Shop Daily Dungeon/Elite Dungeon/Equipment/Adena Dung/Exp Dung/ Summoning Dung Arena Clan Trading Post Closing notes Introduction Greetings.

I am a lvl 129 bladedancer residing in Giran01 server right now. Currently having some free time so I might as well contribute by writing up some tips and strategy that I might know.

This guide is meant for advance/intermediate players who are lvl 50+ and it will not be a run through of the basics. Disclaimer notes. This guide is written to my best of knowledge of current content and should only be taken as a PREDICTED end game guide.

I have not played the KR sever so I do not really know some of the latest late game content. I will also state a disclaimer on some information where I am unsure about. I am also a freemium player who have spent 30 usd so far. Therefore, you should work your way around this guide best suited to your financial capability. R1 I am 180 now! I have been 180 for a couple of weeks now.

Im gonna go through some more tips and more views on what I have seen since I reached 180. If you have gone through this post before, you can use Ctrl+F and look for 'R1' for the new revision notes. Character Always keep your CP at around S grade for easy content clearing. The advancement info tab is really good tool for you to work on your weak areas.

The individual components also have a colour to tell you the grade. If you average out and keep everything at Cyan color you will have S rank CP. Try to compare against other players around your level your CP, Atk, Def and HP.

Make sure you are on par with your peers around your level and make sure your character stats are balanced out. Weapons are the easiest to advance in this game. Always try to work on your weapon first as it gives you the most CP. I am not sure about super late game content yet however, I feel that being able to clear your monster quick enough definitely contributes to taking less damage. For example, if you take too long to kill a mob, you will end up taking multiple hits. With HP drain sub stats you can easily sustain by not using any potion and killing mobs quick enough.

If you unlucky with rares. I suggest only concentrating on weapon rares because it will bring you a long way. It’s also harder to find A grade weapon of your class. So combine whenever you can. If you are trying to level a SR white weapon because your luck sucks, look for% vs field boss attribute(Not elite boss!) and enhance this weapon until you get your rare weapon. This will eventually become your 'field boss weapon'. I do not know the chance of getting rares.

But I got lucky(not everyone is this lucky). I gambled while getting to lvl 120 and I got 6 rares in 28 tries. That is roughly about 20% success rate however I am guessing the chance is roughly 10-20%. If you do not get 1 rare in 10 tries and your CP is dropping to A level I suggest you move on and upgrade your whites armor. White armor can go a long way too even enhancing up to +13 to +15. This is where it gets hard to enhance without maphr.

It seems like the stats to go for in this game is in this order, and the rest are almost garbage. However you should still build your character according to your build i.e. If you have high cri rate then you should couple with crit damage. Also, some classes don’t need atkspeed or HpDrain.

A good tip is to look at the build of the top 10 ranking players in your server. Offences:HPdrain/Atkspeed,Critrate+Critdmg,atk/penetration(in this order) Defence: move spd,CritResist/def,Resillience/evasion(in this order) Mp regen at lower levels can help you to sustain MP pots. You can get them from sub stats or crystals. I would suggest to sell and replace them out once you feel you have done enough farming. Reaching lvl Cap Vs Farming monster codex?

I feel that reaching lvl cap is more important in this game. Reason being that this game is adena, red diamond and blue diamond oriented. I am a freemium player and the only thing that I don’t buy is blue diamond. Red diamonds are used for content clearing while adena makes you stronger. Reaching max cap level allow you to farm more adena daily which is important for your CP growth. You should resets all exp scrolls and never try to buy scrolls with adena unless u need exp and nv buy using diamond unless you are whaling. However that being said, using max scrolls reset from lvl 1-75 might not be that worth as you are not getting that much adena out of your red diamond spent.

Once you reach level 90 its actually alright to complete all 20 quest on B scrolls if you are short of scrolls but I would always recommend using A scroll whenever possible. Always keep your scrolls, even A grade scrolls of the previous level can give you huge amount of adena. R1 Since I’m 180 now I have been touching on my weak areas like codex, Soul Crystals, Achievements and honor rank. These areas also gives a lot of CP and there is so much you can only do with your gear if you aren’t a whale.

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With UR coming out in the very near future. Trust me its gonna come out soon.

You can actually consider white making rare UR gears because they are so much easier to make. They give good CP as well while you are trying to farm out that rare UR gear. Generally I Would still want to have 2 Weapon, a white and a rare UR gear so if you are considering, you can go for just white armour for the time being. With bless scrolls available nowadays you should try your weapon with blessed&maphr at +14. Armor and accessories you can try them without maphr but you should try to hit +14 first. Since reaching 180 I have some regrets, Well maybe you shouldn’t max out at 180 but instead stop at 150 or 165.

If I could turn back time I would do that. Reason is because at around lvl 150 the adena you get from the scrolls are pretty decent(750k+/- per day) and most importantly, you don’t have to fight for farm spots with the lvl 180s. Secondly with are no lvl 190 elite dungeon mobs available, drop rate in the elite dungeon can really be slow. I find it especially hard now that I reach lvl 180 and while I can farm adena easily but I do not have enough Soul Crystals and Weapon fodders to progress.

Field hunting is also very crowded as everyone have reached 180. At lvl 180 there are no lvl 200 elite mobs, so you can’t actually farm enhancement scrolls from elite mobs. Well these are a lot of the factors you can consider even you have reached 180 yourself. These factor can prepare me and you for the next lvl 260 cap release.

Skills Most people would tell you to focus on your passive first to increase CP. However, on case by case basis and class by class, you should still work on your active skills if you need them to clear content, i.e.

Aoe skills and active buffs. Without these skills, you might suffer in areas like arena, clan wars, elite dungeon and clan dungeon. I will prioritize my SP 1/3 to active skills and 2/3 to passives. Meteor and healing strikes are good for wars and farming respectively.

Always use weapons suited for your class, if you are a BD make sure you use a dualsword. Nobody is stopping you from using a spear however take note that you might not be able to maximize you race exclusive passives like extra crit rate which can benefits classes like BD. Spear deals 7 chain per chain combo while dual sword deals 12 per chain combo.

With high atk speed, this gives you more chance to crit. Human and dwarfs are better with spears while elfs and dark elfs are better on dual sword.

R1 KR just released a patch that makes mastery applicable for both weapon i.e. Spear and dual blade. Well so in the future you can actually consider using a spear: ) but still you won’t get a 12 chain combo from the dual blade. I actually find healing strike good in arena lol. Now, Im going to compare 2 examples now.

Firstly for me, I maxed out all my passive for my bladedancer while my friend who is also a bladedancer maxed out his active skills while he dropped fever and dual blade mastery. His reason for doing so is that dual blade mastery 3% atk is not as worth it as the extra burst DPS you can get from the 2 active skills. Since reaching 180 I just joined a new clan.

My clan is a top 20 rank and we have been winning fortress sieges in a row. In every siege he would always beat me in kills score so I supposed active skills really plays a part in your burst damage output. If you actually spend SP on pre-job advancement skills. This is fine. The best scenario to reset SP using sand of oblivion is after your class advance. Any later will cost you too much invested adena.

Runes Try to lvl up ur runes as your adena gain increases. It’s not wise to try to clear a lvl 7 rune when you don’t have the adena capability.

Focusing on runes might impair your gear growth. Try to work on them as your level progresses, by then you would have access to higher lvl adena dungeon and better quest scrolls. Personal preference., If I keep failing on a particular rune, I would switch up and try something else.

Not sure if it’s a bug but I ever failed 17 times on a 60% success rate rune lol. I tried it again 6 hours later and It passed in 1 try. Elixir Atk and Def elixir are hard to find, you can buy them from your clan shop. Elixir don’t cost that much, therefore you can always max them out. If you are short of adena then put the MP elixirs on hold. Pets Always equip gears on all your mounts, even non-equipping mounts gives you 30% of their CP. Right now there are only 3 mounts, there are bound to be more mounts in the future.

Kukurin is the upgrade of the bear mount. If you are a dps class you should concentrate on the kukurin and bear while supports and tanks can work on their silver saint. Pets equips have random substats as well.

Best stats to go for are: Helm: Critrate, Armor: Critrate, Saddle: Critres, Boot: Critres. Class Paladin and bishop are strong in wars😉 Self-explanatory why paladin is OP in wars really.

BD, WL, Swordsinger, Slayer have high DPS in different ways. Seemed like BD have the highest overall DPS out of them all. Archer are good in farming content. Silver ranger seems like the strongest Archer class. WL, SpellSinger good CC class in wars. AW was really strong until they got nerfed recently. Not sure anymore about rouges.

Bishop has better healing for war purpose and has aoe stun but elder is still great for PVE and overall content. R1 Silverranger, Phantom ranger, Hawkeye are good in war, Hawkeye is good with that raining arrow skills when they are trying to defend at the gate. Bishop&pala still OP lol nerf pls. Inventory/Forging Disclaimer not tested, someone might need to confirm but I think non-core dropping mobs have higher chance of dropping quest scrolls, adena and other enhancement material. Farm those if you are done with codex. If someone tells you C grade cost more adena, its BS.

Tested and proven, C grade fodders cost the same to upgrade any equipment as much as a SR grade. Just upgrade with C if you need fodders else sell them if you lack of adena. Always try your luck with the tradeable A gears combine. Who know you might get lucky and get a tradeable rare. You can sell it for Diamonds and fund your healing strike.

To limit break your rares, you need more rares. Never stop combining lol.

Really this game is really too hard. Unless u get yourself some SR limit break crystals 😉. Refer to “Character” section for best sub stats rough guide. Shall not go through them as different class have different best sub stats. NecklaceRingbootsearrings/helm have the most substats in this order. This means its harder for you to roll a 3 perfect sub stats.

I would advice you to just look for 2, if you roll them while your gear is still R grade it will only cost you 50 red diamond. Gears like weapon, chest, glove have less possible sub stats. Therefore, worth to roll them on SR grade. Attribute enhancement is really too expensive for an average player.

If you have finish farming your gear. I suggest you work on your weapon first but this is important end game content that will make the difference. Too much confusion about accessories choice, I think the best 2 sets are nessen and black ore. Faster you run back to the battlefield the more firepower eventually your clan has. More crit resist you have the higher chance of you getting healed and not burst down by enemy clan DPS. But this is just my personal opinion 😊 disclaimer. Maphr usage increases every 2 level.

+1 would need 1, +2 will still need 1. +10 need 5,+11 need 5. So strategies wisely. Scroll usage increases every 5 level. +1-5 would need 1 scroll, 5-10 will need 2 scrolls etc. So time your bless scrolls usage well. R1 For Weapon upgrade with normal till 14 then start using bless&maphr.

For armour and accessories upgrade with normal till 14 then start using bless without maphr. Tip from pro player, you might have notice your top ranking players in your server their earring aren’t very enhanced. That is because they will try to fail on their earrings before trying to enhance their main equipment(earing gives the least CP). I know you would say RNG is random, but you and me both know in l2r enhancement RNG is skewed and rigged;). Generally there would be a fail combo or a pass combo where you will fail or pass multiple times in a row.

If you are on a pass combo just go all out until you start failing and make sure your fail combo only happen on that earring. Its confirmed, non field mob drop more scrolls and loots, level just have to be in range. Just make sure the lesser Kill Steal you encounter from other players, the more loot you will have, doesn’t apply for codex cores. If you ran out of your weapon of your class to combine, you can try combing any weapon, because you can use any rare weapon type to increase your weapon attributes because all rare weapon have the same attribute% attribute dmg dealt to player. For accessories, nessen has 1% more final damage.

However, at 2.5% cri resist vs 2.5% move speed. I think black ore would win because 2.5% movespeed is almost garbage. If you are a P2W player, nessen is good because 25% move speed is massive. Else even 10% cri resist will do a lot for a f2p player. Elven stun resist seems like its pretty good as well especially for sieges(need more feedback). Soul Crystal DPS class Crit dmg and crit Resist for sure.

Penetration is decent. Crit resist for sup and tanks. If you want to go full defensive mode, your other options are evasion and resilience.

Else you can always get some crit dmg as well. R1 Farming Soul crystal is a pain really, its really hard to farm but you can find them off clan chest appraisal and Ant queen loot boxes.

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I would recommend farming them at elite dungeon during non HT. Penetration and resilience crystal are rare crystal(black and white). If you get any of them even C grade, I would recommend just upgrading it from there regardless of substats. I sold a few when I was still new to the game☹. Questing Never claim rewards using adena or diamond and don’t refresh to highest, that is just stupid. Weekly, daily quest are all good adena, unless you don’t have time maybe I’ll skip some daily quest. I generally do anything A grade quest and above.

Achievements If you just clear content normally, you will reach SSS grade for achievement content easily. Achievement are hard to farm but still important for your CP.

So try to look out for those which you can clear. The higher your achievement level, you get better varnish box and soulshots which you will need them as you progress in levels. Codex Whenever possible, try to farm dungeon codex with mob trains around your level. There is a reason why there are so many people trying to farm them. I have not tested this and I might need someone to confirm with me but dungeon mobs don’t drop cores for you even on HT if you are too high of level. This doesn’t applies to field mobs, therefore you can always return to farm cores of previous maps. Focus on AtkDefCritratecritresistpenetrationresiliencehp in this order.

Need to be confirmed disclaimer, PVE stats consist of Atk, Def, crit rate, crit resist, Hp,Mp, Evasion, Accuracy. PVP stats consist of penetration, resilience, fix dmg, decrease dmg. To improve your CP for content, you should focus on PVE stats first as these will give you the best CP. Even with the suggested sequence, some mobs have better spawn rates and density. Work on those first to “beat the crowd”.

Some cores really takes too long to farm because of the density of the spawn. Come back to work on them once you reach cap level.

R1 Use summoning stones, this is a great way to farm your codex. I generally like to use summoning stones for dungeon mobs. Common Shop/Diamond Shop/Collection Shop I am a freemium player and I only get the red diamond monthly bundle. I personally feel the adena monthly isn’t that worth. It is still alright but It’s up to your capability. Other worth getting items or bundles for p2w players: Upgrade stone selection bundle, SR limit stone bundle, luxury starter bundle.

Collection bundle: Only strengthening gift bundle 1 is worth, Strengthening adena bundle is not too bad because of the high adena gain but mainly because of the achievement EXP gain, Story 1 bundle is only decent. If you are p2w, I would advice getting all collection bundles LOL. Daily Dungeon/Elite Dungeon /Equipment/Adena Dung/Exp Dung/ Summoning Dung Daily dungeon, try to reach the highest possible dungeon payout ASAP. Only then is it worth to reset up to 200 diamond. You can even reset the other days for 200 diamond. If you are strap on diamonds or a f2p player I suggest you reset at least once for 100 diamond. If a upgrade stone or scroll is selling on the market for 55 diamond minimum, resetting on 200 diamond for 4 piece is about that value.

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Elite dungeon, try to clear as many elite dungeon for EXP. Some dungeons spawns in a way where it promotes partying up like cruma2&3.

Else I would suggest soloing for more exp gain. Good way to get lots of exp from the elite dungeon is to solo, lure as many as you are capable of tanking and turn on soulshots.

30 mins might even get you 60% to a level(it depends on how strong are you against the mobs and the spawn rate). Extending HT is optional and again to your diamond capability. However as you reach higher levels, it get significantly harder to level and to just depend on quest scrolls. You might potentially earn twice the EXP when u extend HT with the above describe solo method using 200 diamond for 30 mins as compared to using 150 diamond to reset 3 quest scrolls. As you reach higher levels, you might consider resetting your equipment dungeon for that extra piece of high grade varnish selector.

This in return can help you to level your accessories. However, I would only recommend this if you are rich on diamonds. This is other only other way other than spamming 10+1 bundles. Always max out your adena & exp dungeon gains, use soulshots if needed. Never reset summoning dungeon, however that being said. With higher lvl dungeons being unlock in the future it might actually be worth that few hundred diamond.

Arena From your character page, if you honor rank is weak. You can consider spending some diamonds to reset. I fluctuate around top 100 rank right now to top 1%. Which gives me around 30 diamond daily. I will use that diamond to channel to get more arena chances. Clan My clain has only 5 members and we don’t participate in war yet. I shall not comment on these yet until the day comes for me to go to battle.

R1 Since last post, I joined a new clan sort of a merge, Since then we managed to break into top 20. Well its great that we won fotress sieges now that the clan shop has more items. I would always purchase the exlir, maphr frag, equipment box, armour stone box, enhancement scroll, summining stone. Trading Post Sell everything! Lol maphr are hard to sell but if you get lucky it give you 980 diamond.

Weapon enhance are the easiest as of now. The rest are almost garbage. You can try to sell S grade weapon and soul stones as well. Cores are really hard but you can try selling some valuable boss cores. Use the diamond and fund your strengthening bundle 1 followed by your healing strike.

Constantly be looking out of cheap deals. Buy low and sell high if you know what you are doing. Closing notes(02/09/17) End game content is definitely war and PVPing. So try to gear up even this game is farming oriented. Diamond is king here in this game but adena is crucial for increasing CP. Try to reach level cap as quickly as possible without wasting adena.


You will always need adena as you progress. If you level too quickly or spend too much adena on combining, this results in a low CP gear. Which might end up costing you too much pots to grind with pots. You can always choose to progress slowly and farm your codex but the scrolls you are getting are the low lvl scrolls. R1 Generally since reaching lvl 180 farming has really been important.

I spend most of time time farming nowadays. Reaching max cap might not be so wise since ur loot might be reduced. I have been considering new content that will be coming out soon like bless scroll and new upgrade stone. Coupling with new UR content that is coming out soon, I will still push for close to max level but will slow down once im nearing to cap. That means I will stop doing main, weekly and daily quest.

As more content comes out, it will probably be easier for f2p players to upgrade their gears so no worries, so try to concentrate on other areas once you reach your ceiling. Always keep your CP at around S grade for easy content clearing.

The advancement info tab is really good tool for you to work on your weak areas. The individual components also have a colour to tell you the grade. If you average out and keep everything at Cyan color you will have S rank CP. Just wanted to say, this bit right here changed my life.

I was onto my fourth character before I read this and the difference is palpable. I re-rolled until I got an SR weapon on my first couple toons and thought I was hot shit until around level 45-50 when it started to get difficult to farm at-level things without burning through potions. One of them gets by cause he got lucky with lifesteal on the weapon, the others are in a bad way. But the character I created after I read this, and have kept at S grade CP, oh man. I can easily farm things a couple levels higher than me, with only a level 1 S grade weapon, with zero potion usage and it is very, very nice.

I feel like this is the most overlooked bit of advice in the game. People chase level and it's dead wrong. Ignore those clan XP purchases, go for the elixirs, varnishes, and runes.