Windows 98 Unattended Boot Installation Cd

04.11.2019by admin

Is it possible to perform a 100% unattended installation of Windows 98? I used the Batch.exe utility located inside the Tools Reskit folder on Windows 98 CD ROM.

Everything is automated but when installation process reaches the 'User Information' dialogue box, then it stops there and I have to click Next button three times for 'User Information', Licence Agreement, and Windows Product Key dialogue boxes. Is there a way to avoid these clicks? Thanks in advance!

Aug 29, 2016 - Unattended Boot CD (UBCD98) + Driverpacks The Unattended and Updated Boot CD for Windows 98 has evolved into theWindows 98 Seven. Print c ' Windows 98 Fully Updated & Unattended Installation Boot CD Windows 98 Unattended Boot & Installation CD - February 2008 Windows 98.

Mubashar 'All delays are dangerous in war.' Batch.exe tool which is used to create the answer file for Windows 98 unattended install, does have option for 'User Information', Windows key etc. And even there is an option 'Auto-accept user information', but it doesn't seem to work. I even tried The 911 Windows Setup Assistant, but - same results. Mubashar 'All delays are dangerous in war.' The beauty of W9x installs that after you take a harddrive from one machine and place it into completely other, W9x will happily find new hardware and recorfigure itself in a matter of a reboot or two. And from the things that you are trying 'to achive' your solution will help you maybe just a bit more than a single Ghost image, caz anyway you will need drivers for the rest of the bunch whatever those will be.


Sounds like you have some 'Job' after W98 was pernaunced 'outdated' a couple of months ago.this is very useful and helpful place for information.

. Windows 2000 setup switches Below is a listing of switches that can be run in conjunction with WINNT.EXE or WINNT32.EXE for the setup of Windows 2000. If you are familiar with Windows NT setup you may recall the WINNT /b switch that allowed for diskless installation of Windows NT.

Fortunately, this has been incorporated into the default installation of Windows 2000. Switch Description /s Location of Windows NT source files. /unattend Unattended installation. /udf Specifies Uniqueness Database File for unattended install. /tempdrive Location of temporary files. /copydir Installs additional directory. /copysource Copies source files to local directory.

/cmd Executes command after GUI mode. /syspart Copies temporary files to specified drive.

Windows 98 and Windows ME setup switches Switch Description /m Causes Windows to not play the introduction sound file. /na Bypasses the Microsoft Windows program check and can be used in conjunction with the below options. 0 = Default setting. 1 = No Windows-based program check, MS-DOS-based programs are blocked. 2 = No MS-DOS-based program check, Windows-based programs are blocked. 3 = No Windows-based or MS-DOS-based program check. /nd Force Microsoft Windows to overwrite most newer files.

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Note: The /nd switch can cause compatibility issues with Windows and in some cases Windows to no longer function. /nf Stop the prompt to remove the floppy disk from occurring. /nh Bypass running the hwinfo.exe program. /nm Bypass running the minimum system hardware requirement test. /nx Skip the check for versions of setupx that are running.

/ia Turn off the after providers listed in setupc.inf under AfterProvider /ib Turn off the before providers listed in setupc.inf under BeforeProvider /ic Clean boot. /ie Skip the Windows 98 startup disk wizard screens. /in Do not call the setup code. /ir Do not update the. /iv Do not display the setup screens during an upgrade within Windows. /ix Do not perform a character set test. Notifies setupx dosFindFirst looks in file name cache.

/u: Enables users to specify an. Windows NT setup switches Below are various switches that can be used in combination to the setup command used to setup Windows NT 4.0. Switch Description /b Option to not make the three Setup boot disks. /c Skips the check for available free space. /I:inffile Specify the name of the Setup information file. The default file name is Dosnet.inf /f Options to skip the verifying of files as they are copied. /l Creates a log file called $WINNT.LOG that will list all errors that occur as files are being copied to the temporary directory.

/ox Creates the three Setup boot disks and then stops. /s:serverpath Specifies the location of the installation source files. /t Specifies a temporary drive. /u Allows all or part of an installation to proceed unattended. The /b option for floppy less installation is automatically invoked and the /s option for location of the source files must be used. The /u option can be followed with the name of an answer file to fully automate installation.

/udf Use during an unattended installation to specify settings unique to a specific computer that are contained in a uniqueness data file. /w Undocumented switch that enables the WINNT.EXE program to execute in Windows instead of requiring execution from an MS-DOS command prompt. /x Does not create the three boot disks. You must already have the three boot disks. Windows 95 setup switches Switch Description /?


Displays a brief listing of the available options for the setup.exe command and how to use them. Note: Not all the commands listed on this page are listed in this command. /c Does not run. /d Does not use or ignores the existing win.ini and the system.ini.

/id Does not check for free space. /ig Run setup for older computers. /ih Runs scandisk in foreground. /im Ignore the conventional memory check. /iq Does not run scandisk. However, does check for cross linked files. /is Does not run scandisk.

/it Does not check for TSRs. /IW Ensure that the IW is in CAPS, skips the license agreement.

/l Uses Logitech mouse. /n Run setup without the use of a mouse.

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/t: Where to copy setup's temporary file. When finished all files in this directory will be deleted.s Utilize a different setup.inf file for installing Windows.