Torrent Lotus Smartsuite

01.10.2019by admin
  1. Ibm Lotus Smartsuite
  2. Lotus Smartsuite 9.8.5

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It's been over 5 years since this thread was visited, and I stumble upon a new response from just 3 weeks ago! Funny coincidence in that. I loved Lotus SmartSuite back in it's the day of Windows 95/98. I'm almost inspired to attempt a load of the old floppy disks on a legacy Compaq chilling in the back.


Under license. Most product names are trademarks owned or used under license by the companies that publish those products; use of such names without mention of trademark status should not be construed as a challenge to such status. 22 – 1.52.25908.314.25908 (2018-01-31 15:32).

Well, this might help somewhat: It is the Demo release of AmiPro 3.0 - I use it to view my old AmiPro 3.1 files and it seems to work fine. (Even though it is an older version, it is able to read pictures from the 3.1 version files without problems.) The only thing that seems to be disabled in this version is the Save/SaveAs feature.

Print and Copy both work. Note: When you install it on Windows 95 or higher it says something about reconfiguring Windows 95.

You don't need to do this, just choose 'run program' and it will work fine. Also, you should either unzip these files to the same folder, or unzip them on to 2 floppy disks to get it to install. Disk 1: Disk 2: another link - Disk 1: Disk 2: Both servers are kind of slow. Hi, Just for the record, I'm a huge Ami Pro fan, =). I have install disks for Ami Pro 3.01 and Ami Pro 2.0. If anyone ever needs either (even if it's years later), simply PM me. I also started a group for Ami Pro on Facebook.

It lost its five members when it upgraded to the New Groups format, but oh well, =S. Here's the URL: I might do a page to like in future, when I get some time. And yes, I realise this is a very old thread - but it's also the one that appears at the top of the Google search results, so anything posted here will be seen by those searching for Lotus Ami Pro, =). I don't know about the original poster, but I was using Ami Pro when the Facebook notification arrived that you'd joined the Ami Pro Facebook group, ^^.haha.! Thanks for joining, =).

Ibm Lotus Smartsuite

We're now three, where before the new groups format, we were nine.-.oh well.^^.we'll get there again, =D. I recently helped another user out with both Ami Pro install files, and the text converter for Word (which I think I originally got from Microsoft's site, but ah well.).

Lotus Smartsuite 9.8.5

So the files are online if anyone needs the link. And yes.Lotus Smartsuite. I still draw on the clipart from a very old version of Freelance Graphics to this day, ^^.