Matshita Dvd-ram Firmware Update

25.10.2019by admin

Matshita Firmware Update

  1. This utility will examine your ThinkPad system configuration and detect a DVD Multi Drive installed. It will then check the firmware revision of the drive and judge whether your system requires a firmware update or not.
  2. Download and update android firmware for products: matshita dvd r uj 85j firmware update mac, matshita bd cmb uj 172 s firmware, matshita dvd ram uj8e1 firmware, matshita uj8e2 firmware, matshita dvd ram uj870bj firmware update,.

Download firmware for Matshita drives. Select one of the Matshita drives below.

Just when I thought I got the Burning happening, I went out and bought some of the Latest AZO Dye DVD-R discs from 'Laser' but when I put them into my Matshita DVD-RAM, it does not recognise them and says that it was 'unable to intialize disc in time: not ready - incompatable medium installed'. The shop says 'no refunds' and that I have to install a firmware update. The burner is about 3 months old.


Whenever I Google search for that Number UJ-820S, it always comes up for some other numbers like UJ 811. Can some one direct me to where the firmware update is for my burner please? I don't have an answer to your question, but I to have the exact same burner and I am finding that my Maxell discs (which are actually TY's) burn well and play in all my dvd players with the exception of the buring rom itself (Mitshita dvd-ram uj-850s). I find this a bit odd and i'm wondering if this is a firmware issue?(if anyone can help me with this, that would be awsome), and like you I could not find where to get the firmeare update. If anyone knows the answer to our question the help would be greatly appretiated.

Sorry I should have clarified, I only found the model at not the firmware, I just though that the name difference might help you find the firmware easier. In the mean time i went to the 'fimrware page' (not sure what actual address is) but you can probably find it through a search engine like yahoo or google, anyways I typed in our model, the Matshita dvd-ram uj-820s and I got a hit, unfortunently they say that there is no firmware available for this model yet, so unfortunetly you are stuck with the 1.00 ver for now. Sorry that I couldn't help you any further, and again with the last movie I burned, it plays well in all my dvd player except for my burner itself (too much freezing) this is getting really frustrating. Thanks again. In the searches I did, I just went around and around in circles and always ended up in some place called Hot Spot Holidays or something like that. It would have been good to get the message that no firmware update is available yet. With your burner problem, I would even try to go and buy an expensive disc (one recommended by this site) and try that.

A small price to pay to try to get rid of a lot of frustration. When a disc plays on my computers and doesn't play in the DVD home player, I jsut burn it again on another disc. I read that the way the burning process works, it is lucky that any of the burned discs play at all. Twoflake, I'm so delighted that you've gotten everything working well - I wanted to remind you that you've made a few friends here so we expect to see more of you, iffin you've got the time - Feel free to join us helping others, as you've seen, we try to have fun doing it ) I thought I'd let you know, we have other forums also - Check'em out There's no telling, you might find one that's of interest to you. When in doubt, checkout the ' Safety Valve', it's an almost anything goes Forum (keeping in fair to good taste of course). We shoot the breeze about most anything that's on your mind, Events of the day, Movies someone's seen and is looking for comments (they don't always get what they're expecting (Lol), jokes of the day - there's no telling what's there, it can get pretty wild - Guess you'll have to check into it yourselves, 'Heck, you might even run into me there;P) I'll look forward to seeing you around, and you better remember to say ' Hi' - I'll be sea'n you - Pete. I have recently bought an Acer 8006LMi laptop using same Matsushita DVD-RAM UJ-820S drive.

Matshita Dvd-ram Firmware Update

I have also found it very choosy about blank media when writing DVD+/-R. Not so bad with RW although slower with DVD-RW. So far have found no updates to 1.00 firmware.

Often get burn failure as it writes lead-out. Reducing target file size in DVD-shrink to 4240Gb (95%) seems to improve this situation. One interesting? Point that's come to light. It doesn't work with any of the several 'region free' software progs available. The reason I have found, is as follows: Regional restriction (RPC II) works by not revealing the title key on CSS protected discs IF the region code of drive & disc do not match. Usually this brings up prompt to change region, but you only get to change drive five times before firmware locks it onto last region (Nero drive info tool will tell you present state).

Regional free software works with a brute force attack on the scrambled sectors containing the title key. Unfortunately Matsushita (Panasonic) have exceeded the MMC standard on this drive by not allowing even the scrambled title key to be read. Few if any other drives behave this way which is why the software manufacturers often claim it will work with ALL DVD drives Seems like I will have to hope for a firmware update that turns off the RPC II regional code restriction, which to my mind is an unfair restriction on consumer rights. Wish I'd known this before I bought laptop.