Last Chaos Item Dupe Hack

16.10.2019by admin
  1. Last Chaos Item Dupe Hack
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  3. Last Chaos Hacks

For those of you that don't know me, I am abentwookie from Last Chaos and other games. If anyone here actually played the game some of you may know me as GameSage Groove (formerly) or NerdRage. I am here to discuss the truth about a situation involving this truly horrible and corrupt company known as AeriaGames. Before I get into this I want to apologize in advance for posting such a long message but some things need to be said about this disgraceful gaming company. If even one person is considering playing a game published by this horrible company and I can change their mind, then I did my good deed for the day. If you want to know more about this crappy company, feel free to go to the Krash Facebook Suppport Group we made to support our favorite former GameMaster and get out the truth about Aeria's lies. I am also working on an Anti-Aeria website with a forum for people to freely speak their mind about bad experiences they have had with Aeria.


I spent two years playing Last Chaos and at one point was one of its most loyal players before things started going down hill after they hired a new Product Manager for Last Chaos. Before I get into this I should explain a few terms so everyone knows what I'm talking about: A GameMaster is one of the people that runs the game and they are paid employees of Aeria Games. A GameSage is a volunteer position held by certain players that are voted for by the community and GameMasters. Their job is to pass along RT numbers from players to GameMasters, hold events in game, help players with questions and problems, find hackers, silence goldspammers, and many other things. The GS position is a massive amount of work, believe me.

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They don't get paid actual money but they get free monthly AP (Aeria Points) to use to buy things in the Item Mall. So the position sometimes attracts people who are in it for the AP and not to help the community. And the Product Manager (aka KSilent) is in charge of everyone.

I was a GameSage for over nine months before being suspended for 'being too negative' regarding the path AeriaGames and its new product manager, ksilent, were taking with the game. I was told I could come back to the GS team after a few months but said no because I didn't want to work with Ksilent, especially after he claimed I didn't do anything as a GameSage. And of course he said this after only being with the game for less than two weeks. Lol So I posted a goodbye thread on the Last Chaos forum and told people what happened, which resulted in tons of posts from Sarissa (my server) players and the rest of the community supporting me and telling them how much I did for the players. So naturally the thread was removed to silence everyone. Lol Ksilent has a history of trying to hide the truth from people. I was told by another GM that I would be allowed to come back to the GameSage program after a few months but I turned it down because I didn't want to work for a person like KSilent ever again after he insulted me the way he did.

After the incident I decided to take a little break from LC but eventually came back after a while. When I came back I decided that I was going to play the game with my friends try to ignore Ksilent. I managed to do that pretty well until last week. I came online to discover that the best GameMaster (Krash) LC ever had was leaving AeriaGames and later that night I discovered WHY he was leaving. I started getting messages from several people who told me that Krash had been fired and Ksilent was involved.

And after talking to the right people, I discovered it was true. At this point, my days of ignoring Ksilent were definitely over because he had crossed the line this time. He can say what he wants about me but when someone messes with a friend, I become the most ruthless and relentless person you'll ever meet.

So I immediately went on a rampage against ksilent and was immediately perma-banned by him and my posts were deleted. Krash was the most popular and best GM Last Chaos ever ever had and did more for it and the community that people like ksilent ever will. He treated players like actual people and not just credit card numbers. He put more effort into his events than any other GM. He was always hanging out with players in the shoutbox and chatting with us. And when I was a GameSage, I could always count on him to help when I had a problem that I couldn't solve myself.

I think its safe to say it would be nearly impossible to find someone who would have something negative to say about Krash, other than possibly the hackers that he banned. So for them to fire him so suddenly like this shows exactly how little AeriaGames cares about their employees and the community. We're all just numbers to people like Ksilent.

And Krash was one of the few that actually gave a damn about the community. Needless to say, my reaction wasn't pretty. Lol Krash had asked me not to do anything to get myself banned but anyone that knows me will tell you that once the fury starts, its already too late.:P I have no ability to edit what I say once I become that angry so I just completely went off on my old friend, kSilent. I publicly called him out and challenged him to be a man and admit what he did in front of the community. Lol After I had gathered some support from other players in the shoutbox, he finally appeared. As expected, his response was a perma-ban for myself and one of the others.

No chance of him being a man like I suggested. After that two popular GameSages (KayFromHell and Sabbath) started speaking out publicly, only to have their posts deleted and accounts banned like me after being thrown out of the GameSage program. He even called Sabbath a disgrace just for speaking her mind. Then he went on a rampage, quickly banning anyone who dared to say anything about the subject publicly, including two more GameSages, Serafina and Isador. He also banned Fentanyl, one of the highest ranked Titans on the sarissa server, for something he said about Ksilent in private guild chat, which had never been done before in the history of the game.

And many other members of the community were banned as well for voicing their opinion about Ksilent's actions. Since Ksilent fired Krash and went on this powertrip many high level players have either been banned or quit the game as a result of these actions. Anyone that posts something on the forum about it gets their posts immediately deleted and their accounts banned. Ksilent is scared to death of the truth getting out to the community but its already too late for that. Lol So now LC is quickly dying because the community has had enough.

It was actually dying for abour the last year or so but Ksilent is really helping to speed up the process now. A lot of players have left for other games like Aion, WoW, Perfect World, etc. Don't waste your time or money on this game. Any former high level player will tell you how messed up the game is and how corrupt Aeria is.

Since Aeria hired a new Product Manager (Ksilent) for LC the game has gone downhill pretty fast. And firing Krash was just another stupid decision made by this person. Krash spent years trying to make Last Chaos better for it's community but in the end was suddenly tossed aside by Aeria like garbage. The game itself has reached the point where leveling to the cap (which is at 165) is nearly impossible without spending THOUSANDS of dollars or an insane amount of time. Someone said it would take about seven years without buying tons of AP. One of the small number of people that has reached the lvl cap each time its been raised literally spends around $100 a day to accomplish that.

And before you can even START leveling, you have to spent a long time farming for Skill Points. Again you have the choice of spending a small fortune to buy the AP items to make it easier or you have to spend a crazy amount of time SPing before you can even begin to level. And the game is riddled with bugs, the pvp castle sieges are messed up, each class only has one race and gender available to it, and it has a new insanely over-powered class. Instead of fixing the problems, they just continue adding new stuff. And they don't listen when testers tell them there are problems with the new stuff so they just add more and more bugs to the game. Its just become a waste of time, especially when Aeria continues making horrible decisions that effect the game. The only redeeming quality is the wonderful community in the game.

They are the only reason I continued playing the game for so long. The corruption and lying is a serious problem. I witnessed plenty of it myself from the inside when I was a GameSage. Hacking is against the rules unless you spend a lot of money on AP, then you basically get a free pass to hack. Sorry guys, I kept silent about this for too long.

Several huge AP buyers had hacked in the past and been given their accounts back. Account sharing is also a bannable offense and many people have been perma-banned for it, yet some of the big AP buyers get their accounts back anyway after they account shared. In fact, Ksilent knows of certain high lvl people (AP buyers of course) account sharing right now and has done nothing about it. There have been countless examples of people providing solid VIDEO proof of people cheating and whenever its a big AP buyer nothing ever happens. And the corruption that goes on involving castle siege?

Yeah, its true. They do pretend certain things never happened when I've clearly seen myself that they DID happen. Want to see some proof of Aeria's corruption and lies?? Here is some from another former GameSage and one of its most popular, KayFromHell.

She posted screenshots and chat logs of some of it. The following is a message that was posted (and quickly deleted by Ksilent) by KAYFROMHELL (Former GameSage on Katar) on the last chaos forum. To all of you: I got IP banned right after I spoke to you guys,on sunday night, at 00:45 PST.

I got the notice on 3 accounts in the same time. That's how they silence us. Keep in mind what I told you. And they just proved my point. This post might be deleted or moved as soon they will see take a screenshot of this post if you want to pass the message to others.So please do it quick!!

Also save the pictures from the links!!!! I, KayFromHell, been a player for 2 years on LC, and a complete year as a LC GS. For a year I reported players hacking this game, saw them come back after only few days, I had to fight to get GM support and the only ones who really helped me were GmKrash, Stratos and OgreKing. Without Krash, the game will go downhill because he was the only one fighting for the GSes, he was trying his best to help us, and they fired him like he was nothing for AGE, after 2 years of hard work for them.

Nobody asked me to do this. I created my own rebellion.

I went on Katar 1 sunday night to speak the truth about those facts: -Yes, the GSes are getting paid in AP every months. I could say several of them are in the program for the AP since anyway you can't grind if you can't afford to buy 300$ worth of stuff for a level. But we had to lie about this. But I got several times 20k ap per month, it's the limit we can have.

It's the price to lie for them and run the events THEY should do, doing THEIR customer support and keep YOU in game.Yes, AP buyers are controlling the game. According to your budget, you cannot be banned more than 24hrs. In the worse case, it will be a week. So if you spend money on this game you can dupe,hack, cheat, scam. As long you buy AP, you are safe.

Remember the hacking issue on H and K server guys? They were aware there was a hacker and they did nothing. For a complete day they could have done something. Instead, they were blaming a stupid expo. You got hacked and you never spend money for AP, say goodbye to all your efforts. But if you are a 5 star customer, no worries, you will have your armor back and all your stuff. But for the others.

So I been giving my own stuff to hacked players several times, using the GS AP to fix their mess so many times. They hacked Stratos. And we had to lie about it.

There will be a link of my YIM logs at the end of this post. So the ppl who got banned because they were trying to prove this in the shoutbox were only getting silenced.

We, testers, warned them about the Roy issue when the auction house came out. They were aware the players could find a way to dupe the items. They sent the auction house anyway on the live server while it was known it would be a mess.

Same thing for EP2 patch, several glitchs been reported and they let the patch go live anyway without fixing them. They know who been duping. But they were AP buyers.They kicked a GS for inactivity because he was in the army. But there is GSes who don't run any events, does no support, pass no RTs and they are still around.

That's a bloody WTF. And the one helping the community, like me or Sabbath, get removed. The biggest doubleface of them. This is how he treats the GSes. With his lies, saying they ban hackers and gold buyers when we all know it's lies and more lies.

Put a 21 years old girl in charge and see how chaotic it becomes. She is in charge of the GSes. She's supposed to support us and help us. What do we get?

Nothing, she can't answer to our questions, she can't control the GSes meetings so she had to call JediMike to observe what was happening and she don't give a fk about us. You wanna see how it is to be a GS? We can't get announcements, we can't have GM support if she is not on. See the list of the ppl we could contact. This email been sent last month. We were not allowed to ask Krash anything or it was a strike.

And he was the only one helping us. That's the power of the GSes now. They are chained and have to say what s1lent want us to stay. Kali have no clue about the game at all, she plays Aion, along with s1lent. The GSes won't be able to tell you that I am right, or they will get banned.

And some of them are so stupid anyway they don't realize what company they represent. This is the BBB for Aeria Games. Feel free to comment and spam them. Abentwookie, you gave me inspiration for something. And I am sorry, I apologize, you were right.

But it's too late now. I had to say it. I met awesome people in 2 years in Last Chaos. The ones who knows me know one thing: I am always honest. I am making this post so you, the players, the top spenders, the friends I have, know the truth about this company, and their cr4ppy management.

I lost my account already anyway, well, 5 of them. So this is my gift to the community I helped the best I could: the truth. Links: Proof that Stratos got hacked The super rules the GSes have to follow, and in bonus, Kali's email.

How s1lent treat a year old GS when she was only saying her opinion Stop buying AP. Leave them in their own! Get your friends with you. Keep this precious time for something else.

AGE don't give a d4mn anyway about you guys, and the GSes are only toys they can replace at their will. My friends, it was a pleasure to be with you for 2 years. But the frenchie is now gone. LOL.

While I was writting this post, my new account got banned for spamming when I never did anything with it yet HAHAHA: See it here lol So, for you, Keith, who will delete my post, I send you my best regards: - To sum up what we both said, stay far away from Aeria Games. They don't give a damn about the games, the players, the GameSages, or even their own employees. Trust me when I say their 'D' rating with the Better Business Bureau is well deserved. Goodbye Last Chaos. Just, why waste your time posting this?

It's a big company, of course they're corrupted. It's not like you were making a living off of it.

It was just a hobby, really and it's just a game. Does that make me want to play the game any less? I don't let who the company is affect whether I play or not.

I let whether they ban me (wrongfully or otherwise doesn't matter), whether the game is actually worth playing and how the GMs/GSs treat me in-game when I really don't do anything affect if I play. Really, I feel for your friend getting fired and all since he was being paid, but it couldn't have been his main job.

No way he was getting paid enough. Just getting this out of the way. This is I guarantee that quite a few responses are going to troll you. No one here gives a damn what happened to you as an unpaid volunteer and will probably say you're whining.

Just telling you before you get your hopes up. Very few people here are going to support you. Not to mention, I play WolfTeam and Grand Fantasia with my girlfriend.

It's not like I'm just going to stop because a PUBLISHING COMPANY doesn't care about the players. Of course they don't.

Last Chaos Item Dupe Hack

They didn't make the game. Originally posted by lifer86 I read your post, and I have to say that I am not one bit surprised that this could happen.

Free to play games are just not held up to the standards of fairness and accountability that pay to play games are. Just look at evony ffs. It would be a lot easier to take your post seriously if you removed all the:P and and lols. Once again, there's also the fact that they didn't personally make any of those games and have absolutely no attachment to their customers/players whatsoever.

Originally posted by johnmatthais Just, why waste your time posting this? It's a big company, of course they're corrupted. It's not like you were making a living off of it. It was just a hobby, really and it's just a game.

Does that make me want to play the game any less? I don't let who the company is affect whether I play or not. I let whether they ban me (wrongfully or otherwise doesn't matter), whether the game is actually worth playing and how the GMs/GSs treat me in-game when I really don't do anything affect if I play. Really, I feel for your friend getting fired and all since he was being paid, but it couldn't have been his main job. No way he was getting paid enough.

Just getting this out of the way. This is

I guarantee that quite a few responses are going to troll you. No one here gives a damn what happened to you as an unpaid volunteer and will probably say you're whining. Just telling you before you get your hopes up. Very few people here are going to support you. Not to mention, I play WolfTeam and Grand Fantasia with my girlfriend.

It's not like I'm just going to stop because a PUBLISHING COMPANY doesn't care about the players. Of course they don't. They didn't make the game.

The thing is that I have played almost all of the major mmorpgs (and many of the lesser ones) that have come out and I have never in my life seen the kind of corruption that exists at Aeria. Not anything close to that level. No, you're absolutely right that I didn't get paid but I did what I did because of my love for the Last Chaos community. You're talking about not letting the company effect you playing a game but I don't see how that is possible when they consistently make bad decisions that DO directly effect the gameplay.

Did you ever play Star Wars Galaxies?? Try telling old SWG players that the NGE shouldn't have had any effect on them playing the game and watch how they react. I mean seriously. Lol It doesn't matter if the majority of people here support me, as long as I help a few people reconsider playing an aeria game. I'm fighting for what's left of the Last Chaos community and doing what's right.

Someone has to tell the truth about Ksilent's powertrip and we can't do it on LC without getting perma-banned. Originally posted by lifer86 I read your post, and I have to say that I am not one bit surprised that this could happen. Free to play games are just not held up to the standards of fairness and accountability that pay to play games are. Just look at evony ffs. It would be a lot easier to take your post seriously if you removed all the:P and and lols. But they should be. I've played some of the other free games such as Combat Arms, PW, Rohan, RunesofMagic, etc.

And as I said, none of them so blatantly exhibit the same kind of corruption as Aeria. Once again,.I don't play LC. I never was one that was fond of the game.I don't pay Aeria money to play any of their games.I hardly talk outside of party or private chat.This isn't SWG. SWG was a big screwup. They completely reformed the game. BUT AS I SAID, PUBLISHING COMPANY!!!!.What you do with your life and what you sacrifice for a GAME is just something you have to deal with.

You're not saving lives. It's not of any importance, really. Most people play for free. What do they have to lose?.This world runs on money and greed. Learn to accept it or life your life in contempt.

This is just a game. Save your efforts for something that really will make a difference. Originally posted by johnmatthais Once again,.I don't play LC. I never was one that was fond of the game.I don't pay Aeria money to play any of their games.I hardly talk outside of party or private chat.This isn't SWG. SWG was a big screwup. They completely reformed the game. BUT AS I SAID, PUBLISHING COMPANY!!!!.What you do with your life and what you sacrifice for a GAME is just something you have to deal with.

You're not saving lives. It's not of any importance, really. Most people play for free.

What do they have to lose?.This world runs on money and greed. Learn to accept it or life your life in contempt. This is just a game. Save your efforts for something that really will make a difference. And if you're smart you'll stay far away from it. I don't know about wolfteam but I do know you won't get very far on most aeria games without buying AP. As big of a screwup as SWG was, LC has become worse.

And yes, Aeria publishes LC. The point of publishing a game is to make money, yet they continue to make bad decisions that cause more players to leave the game. The problem is that they put a guy in charge who didn't have the experience and isn't qualified for the job for a variety of reasons. As for what people have to lose. Wasted time for one thing. And if you have a close community like LC, then it kind of sucks when everone quits and players different games.I agree with the last statement but I WILL NOT accept it.

I will continue to fight against corruption and greed in all of its forms. Serial cracks free. The world can't change if no one tries to change it.

Originally posted by MasterChaosX Just wondering.why would people pay $$$ to grind? Kinda stupid. Have you played Cabal?

I agree completely. In a P2P game everyone is on equal ground and you can only get ahead of others by spending the time to grind levels. But on a game like LC, all you need to pass others players quickly is a credit card with a high limit. Lol We actually have players that have spent thousands of dollars on this game just so they can be in the player rankings for their class. Nope, Cabal is one game I haven't played.

Originally posted by abentwookie. As for what people have to lose. Wasted time for one thing. And if you have a close community like LC, then it kind of sucks when everone quits and players different games.

Again, I feel no pity for the fool. If you're going to play a free game, most likely just a subpar import, run directly by the publishing company, then you've gotta expect this kinda shit to happen. I know what I'm getting into. Plus, wasted time is something we all have to deal with. Oh and a community eventually splits. High school cliques get split at the end of high school. I feel sadder about that then some group of people who doesn't know what the other really looks like that are all playing the same free game because that's where they decided to settle.

Great chance to find another tight-knit community with new experiences. Originally posted by bigdaddysfe This thread made me smile.

Now we just need Superman0X to come in shill for Aeria while pretending to be a random poster and a couple Russian Mafia guys and it will be perfect. Lol I see you have experience with Supes and Aeria. The funny thing is that a GameSage posted logs of Superman asking all GameSages (the ones that haven't quit or been banned during the last week) to post positive reviews of Aeria with the BBB. Lol These GameSages are being paid AP every month so its not like they can say no. I doubt anybody will get your post deleted here.that being said.LEARN TO SPEAK GIRL! Your not in high school.people can understand it if your main langage is english lol but if you speak about something only one thing is important and it aint the story like you wrote.just the fact will do.

Last Chaos Item Dupe Hack

He trow you out of the game because you wouldnt give him your adress etc not vague story i read here lol i play in wow i have yet to see a post erased there.oh i know some get erased but most of the time the post that get erased have very good reason to be erased the only thing that could get your post erased is the picture.and if mmorpg do erase it i give them my thumb up because honestly the picture isnt constructive in anyway for the mmo gaming comunity. Originally posted by SonikFlash Great post!

Dupe Hack Minecraft

Def a company to stay away from. If nothing else it's a far more newsworthy post than half the stuff on this site. I don't see why you'd bash it. Its okay if someone bashes me, I know I'm doing the right thing for the community and that's all that matters to me. The more players that leave LC, the more likely Ksilent will be fired.

Then maybe there will be hope for the game again. If Krash would have been in charge of the game, I'm betting no one would want to leave because he respected the players and knew how to make the game better. Originally posted by Wickedjelly That's too bad.

Sorry to hear. How people can get into that game is beyond me. I have a friend that's a fiend for it so I've tried a couple times to give it a go, but frankly I think the game sucks myself.

I suppose it's better than the likes of Mu or 2 Moons but that really isn't saying anything. I chalk it up to them either having masochistic tendencies or a real pos pc. Crap of hell in the first quater of 2010 lord of the ring online will be dx11 lol i would rater pay those guys and play lord of the ring online at least the game will be the only mmo with dx11 and it was made dx10 from start so it will look good and i dont think they got issue that aeria you mention they have. Originally posted by drbaltazar i doubt anybody will get your post deleted here.that being said.LEARN TO SPEAK GIRL! Your not in high school.people can understand it if your main langage is english lol but if you speak about something only one thing is important and it aint the story like you wrote.just the fact will do. He trow you out of the game because you wouldnt give him your adress etc not vague story i read here lol i play in wow i have yet to see a post erased there.oh i know some get erased but most of the time the post that get erased have very good reason to be erased the only thing that could get your post erased is the picture.and if mmorpg do erase it i give them my thumb up because honestly the picture isnt constructive in anyway for the mmo gaming comunity.

Okay, first of all, the second half of the post was by KayFromHell, who happens to be French-Canadian. So yeah, her English isn't always perfect so give her a break. As far as my own words, when I'm angry and typing a long post like that, I do make mistakes.

I didn't realize I was in school right now. I thought this was just a gaming forum. Lol And no offense, but your grammar and spelling wasn't exactly flawless in this post.

I cant say anything about the bug some guys used for duping gold on 777 server. But I know the bug which was on the German server last year: Buguser A added an item to merchant mart. But in the price (for example 1000000) he used O's instead of 0's. So Buguser B was able to buy the item for only 1 gold because the O's did not matter for the buyer.

But Buguser A got the whole price instead of this. So this is how giant masses of gold were made with bugusing on German server. Maybe it was made similarly on 777.

Last Chaos Hacks

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